Horsmonden Kindergarten
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Join Horsmonden Kindergarten

Children are eligible to attend Kindergarten once they are two years old. We operate two adjoining rooms: Caterpillars (2 - 3½ years old) and Butterflies (3½ - 5 years old).

At Horsmonden Kindergarten we adhere to the Ofsted adult to child ratio of 1:5 for 2 year olds, and 1:8 for 3-5 year olds although we are frequently able to improve on these ratios.

The safety of all children in our care is of great importance to us and we have in place a buzzer entry system.

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and use an innovative and interactive online learning journal called Tapestry, which records all of the learning and fun of children’s early years education.

Your child is designated a key person. An important relationship is formed between a child and their key person, and during this time, your child’s needs and capabilities will be observed and shared with you, both in person, at annual parent meetings, and through the online learning portal.

This information will highlight how your child’s key person will continue to support, encourage and challenge them.

We are firm advocates of working in partnership with parents/carers to ensure consistency between your child’s care at home and during their time at Kindergarten.


Only the Best

8:30am/9:00am – Playtime/Activity - Arrivals

The children are welcomed in at your preferred time of either 8:30am or 9:00am by a member of staff, and can dive straight into free play activities where children can move from indoors to outdoors and explore and create in an enriched environment. 

10:00am – Snack bar opens

The snack bar is open from 10am for children to self-select from a healthy range of food when they feel hungry and when they're not mid-flow being Batman or channeling their inner Picasso!

11:45am – Circle Time

Circle time is a time for staff and children to join together for ‘sound of the week’, show and tell, sometimes splitting into smaller groups for a more in-depth discussion.

The morning session finishes with music and movement and the children join together to sing the Goodbye song.

12:00pm – Lunch club

Lunch club runs from 12:00-1pm, where the children can sit and enjoy their lunch (provided by parents/carers)

1:00pm – Playtime/Activity - Afternoon Session

Play resumes after lunch club, where the morning session only children will leave to go home and children joining the afternoon session will be welcomed to join in an activity.

2:00pm – Snack bar opens

The snack bar is open from 2pm for children to self-select from a healthy range of food when they feel hungry and when they're not mid-flow being Batman or channeling their inner Picasso!

3:15pm – Circle Time

At 3:15pm the children settle down for circle time and show and tell before joining together for the goodbye song

3:30pm – Good Bye

All children are collected at 3.30pm.


Registration information

We welcome all new children!

The Kindergarten is open Monday to Friday during term time only.

  • Morning sessions:  8.30am or 9.00am - 12noon

  • Afternoon sessions:  1.00pm - 3.30pm

  • All day sessions:  8.30am - 3.30pm

We also operate a lunch club each day between 12.00 and 1.00pm.

In view of the increased demand for places at the Kindergarten it has become necessary to implement a new Admissions policy in order to make the whole system fair for everyone. There is now a formal process to follow when registering a child for a place:

  • Registration can take place from birth

  • A £50 deposit is payable upon registration and the choice of preferred sessions will be stated by the parent or carer. The sessions granted will be confirmed for the whole time the child remains at Kindergarten, omitting the need for constant changing.

  • The £50 deposit will be deducted from the first invoice.  Please note the deposit will not be refunded if the child does not take up the offered place.

  • You do not need to pay a deposit if your child attends for the FEEE (Free Early Education Entitlement) sessions only.

An application form can be found requested by emailing us.

Free Early Education Entitlement (FEEE) for 3 and 4 year olds

All children are eligible for up to 570 hours of funding per year, starting in the term following their third birthday.  A child is eligible for the Free Early Education Entitlement (FEEE) in line with the Department of Education information below: 

A child born on or between

Will becoming eligible for a free place from

  • 1 April and 31 August - Start of Autumn Term in September, following their 3rd birthday

  • 1 September and 31 December - Start of the Spring Term in January, following their 3rd birthday

  • 1 January and 31 March - Start of the Summer Term in April, following their 3rd birthday

The 570 funded hours can be accessed as 15 hours per week (the Universal offer) for 38 weeks (minimum) and 30 hour funding (the extended offer).

To Qualify

A child qualifies for the Extended Entitlement if both parents are working (or the sole parent in a lone parent family) and are expected to earn the equivalent to 16 hours at National Minimum Wage or National Living Wage over the coming three months. 

Parents will not meet the criteria if either parent has an income of £100,000 or more.

FEEE hours can be used over any sessions apart from lunch club which runs from 12 noon to 1.00pm this will be charged at £6.50 (£6.90 from Sept 2024). 

Please note, all sessions are subject to availability and on a first come, first served basis.  If sessions are unable to be taken due to Bank Holidays or INSET days, funded children will be offered alternative sessions to compensate for the shortfall in hours.

What Horsmonden Kindergarten will require

You will be required to sign a Parent Declaration form at the start of each term to confirm the number of FEEE hours you will be claiming at Horsmonden Kindergarten.

We will need to see a copy of your child's birth certificate before FEEE can be claimed and we will make a note of the reference number. 

Please note FEEE hours can be split between a maximum of two childcare providers and must not exceed 15 hours in total.

We also offer Working parent entitlement for two year olds & Free Early Education for 2 year olds (FF2).

Not Sure?

Please contact our Business manager if you have any questions or for more information on  FEEE for 2, 3 and 4 year olds can be found on the Kent County Council website.


Please see below our current fees for childcare

Government Funded free early education (FEEE) places are available for children from the term after their third birthday.  The funding is currently set at 15 universal hours per week and 15 hours extended hours per week (Funded hours can not be claimed between 12noon and 1pm).

Horsmonden Kindergarten also offers sessions under the Free For Two scheme (FF2), working parent entitlement for two year olds as well as 30 hours, please speak to our business manager for more information. 

Childcare vouchers are accepted.

For more information on the Governments Free Early Education Entitlement (FEEE) or for the Free For Two Entitlement (FF2), please see our 'Admissions' section.


Hours in excess of any FEEE used are charged at £6.50 per hour (£6.90 from Sept 2024).

Lunch Club is charged at £6.50 per hour (£6.90 from Sept 2024).

Caterpillar and Butterfly sessions are: 

  • 8.30am or 9am – 12noon

  • 8.30am or 9am – 1pm (including lunch club) 

  • 12pm – 3.30pm (including lunch club) 

  • 1pm – 3.30pm 

  • 8.30am or 9am – 3.30pm (including lunch club)

Ad Hoc Session prices - Additional short notice ad hoc sessions which can be accommodated within our staffing ratios will be charged at £7.00 per hour (£7.40 from Sept 2024).

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